July 15th, 2022
09:00 to 09:30
09:30 to 10:30

Opening Ceremony


Maria Elvira Mancino

Head of Department of Economics and Business Sciences

University of Firenze


Andrea Paci

Head of the School of Economy and Management

University of Firenze


Giorgia Giovannetti

Vice Rector for Internationalization

University of Firenze


Biagio F. Giannetti

Paulista University

and Founder of

Advances in Cleaner Production Network

10:30 to 12:30


Plastics and Bio-plastics. Benefits, Impacts, Perspectives



Sergio Ulgiati

Department of Science and Technology, Parthenope University of Napoli, Italy; School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.


Feni Agostinho

Universidade Paulista (UNIP), Programa de Pós-graduação Em Engenharia de Produção, Laboratório de Produção e Meio Ambiente, São Paulo, Brazil.



Francesco Degli Innocenti

Technical Committee of Assobioplastiche, Italian Network of Bioplastics Producers,

Title: Biodegradable plastics: The point of view of producers


Sara Falsini

University of Florence, Department of Biology, Firenze, Italy

Title: Plastic waste: Instruction for a sustainable future


Cecilia Maria Villas Boas de Almeida

Universidade Paulista (UNIP), Programa de Pós-graduação Em Engenharia de Produção, Laboratório de Produção e Meio Ambiente, São Paulo, Brazil. Co-Editor in Chief of Journal Cleaner Production

Title: Plastics and bioplastics littering: A literature review and examples from Brazil


Bernardo Piccioli Fioroni

Environmental Sector of Utilitalia srl, National Network of Public Water, Environment and Energy Enterprises, Roma

Title: The waste management of compostable plastics in Italy

12:30 to 13:30
13:30 to 15:30

Plenary Presentations



Soraya El-Deir

Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil



Imke de Koch

Stellenbosch University

Managing Technology within the Context of Sustainability Transitions


Gabriella Maselli

University of Salerno

Economic Analysis Models for Cleaner Production Investments


Annalisa Mauro

International Land Coalition

Relevance and Evolution of Land Tenure Rights, Interconnected System and Pathways for Climate Solutions.


Rosaria Chifari

Fundació ENT

Biocircularcities: Exploring the Circular Bioeconomy Potential in Cities. Aims, Methods and Preliminary Results

15:30 to 16:00
Coffee Break
16:00 to 17:30
Oral Presentations

Room 01


Can Pension Funds Nudge a Sustainable Development? BOCCHIALINI et. al. (University of Florence)


Proposition of a model for healthcare waste management: Review of brazilian legislation. SANTANA et. al. (Econosp, Recife)


In search for the common good: different ownership and governance models for circular economy. ROMANO and MINOJA (University of Pisa and University of Udine)


A holistic assessment framework to encourage and promote Industrial Symbiosis practices. RUINI et. al. (University of Siena)





Room 02


The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the GHG inventory at subnational scale. A case study. SPORCHIA (University of Siena)


Sustainable consumption in the fashion industry and its determinants: a systematic literature review. SCHIAROLI et. al. (Sapienza University of Rome)


Which factors do influence the consumers’ adoption of electric vehicles? A systematic review. QUAGLIERI et. al. (Sapienza University of Rome)


Transformative R&I policy for sustainable development: the case of European Commission initiatives. BIGGERI et. al. (University of Florence)




Room 03


Environmental taxes and transport fuel consumption choices. BARDAZZI and PAZIENZA (University of Florence)


Carbon footprint assessment of multiple “cleaner energy mix” scenarios in circular economy transition for Italy. GHISELLINI et. al. (Parthenope University of Naples)


Brazilian strategies and policies for greenhouse gas mitigation: analysis of possible impacts on the implementation of BECCS, based on international experiences. SILVEIRA et. al. (University of São Paulo)


Carbon Footprint evaluation of the administrative services of an Italian municipality as a tool for decarbonization plans. MARCHI et. al. (University of Siena)




Room 04


Pollution intensifies interregional flows of virtual scarce water driven by food demand in China. HUI LI et. al. (Beijing Normal University)


Efficiency evaluation in the Italian waste sector: some empirical results. GASTALDI et. al. (University of L'Aquila)


Multi-objective coordinated development optimal paths for China's steel industry chain based on “water-energy-economy” nexus. Yanxin Liu (School of Management and Engineering, Capital University of Economics and Business)


Bibliometric/Scientometric Study on Solid Waste Management in the Covid-19 Pandemic. SILVA et. al. (Environmental Management Research Group in Pernambuco)


17:30 to 19:30

Special Conferences

ACPN Medal Award


Young Researcher

Maddalena Ripa

Autonomous University of Barcelona

Circular Economy beyond Technology. Lessons, Narratives and Research Directions.


Senior Researcher

Federico Pulselli

University of Siena

Environmental Accounting Experiences for Cleaner and Sustainable Production and Policy

19:30 to 20:00

ACPN's Centers Meeting

(only invited experts)

20:00 to 22:00

Confraternization Dinner

NH Collection Firenze Palazzo Gaddi


July 16th, 2022

09:00 to 12:00 - Classic Tour of Florence

Keynote Speakers

ACPN Award

Supporting Journals

Who We Are

11th IWACP - 2021
9th IWACP - 2020
8th IWACP - 2019
7th IWACP - 2018
6th IWACP - 2017
5th IWACP - 2015
4th IWACP - 2013
3rd IWACP - 2011
2nd IWACP - 2009
1st IWACP - 2007
realization by
University of Florence


organized by


in participation with


ACPN - Partner Network

Organizing Committee - International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production

