08:00 to 09:40
09:40 to 10:30
Opening Ceremony
10:30 to 12:00

Opening Conference

"Resource efficient and clean urban technologies"

Hans Schnitzer (Graz University of Technology, NAWI - Austria) [presentation]

12:00 to 13:30
13:30 to 15:00


"Developing and Diffusing New Technologies through Eco-value Propositions"

Jeremy Hall (Journal of Engineering and Technology Management and Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University - Canada) [presentation]

15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 4B - Room 1
Chairmen: Adrielle Frimaio (UNIP); Gloria Yazmin Ozuna Leyva (UNISON); Gustavo Bustamante (UNIP); Nancy Gabriela Grijalva Larios (UNISON)
Design of Cleaner Production Frameworks: an Operational Tool for Sustainable Transition - KHALILI, N. R. (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA); ROA-GUTIÉRREZ, F.;  CHÁVES-ABARCA, R.; JAUBERT-SOLANO, W.; VALERIO-VINDAS, J. J. (Technological Institute of Costa Rica, Costa Rica) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Diagnostic of Cleaner Production in the Industrial Sector - DE LA CRUZ, G.M.; CONTRERAS, R. B.; ALONSO, M. (University Rafael Landívar, Guatemala) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Energy Efficiency; A Step Towards Cleaner Production. An Integrative Case Study of the Meat Processing Industry in Hermosillo, Sonora - MUNGUIA, N. E.; POOM, T. G.; VELAQUEZ, L.; ESQUER. J. (UNISON, Mexico) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Cleaner Energy Production and Sustainable Investments: A Portfolio Analysis in the Italian Electricity Market - CUCCHIELLA, F.; GASTALDI M.; TROSINI M. (University of L'Aquila, Italy) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Tendencies of Environmental Performance of Brazil  - FARIA, L. (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 4B - Room 2
Chairmen: Maria de Fátima de Freitas Bueno Marcílio (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP); Pedro Luiz de Oliveira Costa Neto (UNIP); Ana Lúcia Feitosa Freire (UFCE); Márcia Terra da Silva (UNIP)
Green Seal and Cleaner Production for the Furniture Sector: A Theoretical Discussion - SILVA, C. (UFBA/IFAL); CÉSAR, S. F. (UFBA) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Cleaner Production Criteria and Project Management Maturity: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis in Brazilian Industries - GUIMARÃES, J. C. F.; SEVERO, E. A. (IMED); SENNA, P. (CEFET/RJ) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Ecological Cost Account Application in a Lean Manufacture Brazilian Automotive Project - SERRA, F. G.; OLIVEIRA NETO, G. C. ; CALRGE, F. A.; SANTANA, J. C. C. (UNINOVE) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
The Influence of Services on the Environmental Accounting of a Small Business Manufacturer of Auto Parts in São Paulo State - CARVALHO, N, ALMEIDA, C. M. V. B. (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Energetic Inventory in Automotive Industry - MURBACH JUNIOR, E.;  MANCINI, S. D. (UNESP); GIANELLI, B. F. (IFSP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 4B - Room 3
Chairmen: Max Wilson de Oliveira (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP); André Gomes de Lira Muniz (UNIP); Marcos José Barros (UNIMEP); Fernando Jorge Cutrim Demétrio (UEMA)
Ambiental Valoration and Energy Generation with System Subproduct of Urban Solid Waste for Pirolysys - FRIMAIO, G. (IFAC); FRIMAIO, C. A. (UFABC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Sustainability in the Process of Sugar Cane of Reception in Plant Sugarcane - GONÇALES FILHO, M.; CAMPOS, F. C. (UNIMEP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Environmental Performance Comparison of Two Microalgae Oil Production Routes - CHIUMENTO, G.; BARRANTES, L. S. (UTFPR); TAHER, D. M.; BALMANT, W.; PEIXOTO, P. R. (UFPR); UGAYA, C. M. L. (UTFPR); VARGAS, J. V. C.; MARIANO, A. B. (UFPR) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 4B - Room 4
Chairmen: Douglas Wittmann (USP); José Benedito Sacomano (UNIP); Marcelo Estevan da Silva (UNIP); André Luigi Amaral Di Salvo (IFSULDEMINAS); Yuri Fischer (UFPE)
Geochemical of Volcanic Rock Powder Sample from Serra Geral Formation: An Important Remineralizer - DALMORA, A. C., RAMOS, C. G., SILVA, L. F. O.; KAUTZAMNN, R. M. (La Salle Universitary Center) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Evaluation of a Wastewater Treatment System for Constructed Wetland with Aeration Step - ANDRADE, H. H. B. (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Fenton's Reaction by Sulphide Oxidation on Coal Mining Rejects - CIVEIRA, M. S.; LIMA, B. D.; SILVA, L.F.O.; OLIVEIRA, M.L.S.; KAUTZAMNN, R. M. (La Salle Universitary Center) [abstract] [paper]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 4B - Room 5
Chairmen: Daniel Moreira Lupinacci (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP); Giancarlo Pereira (UNISINOS); Helton Raimundo Oliveira da Silva (UNIP)
Cleaner Production : A Bibliometric Study in Scopus Data Base - GIACCHETTI, M. C. M.; AGUIAR, A. O. (UNINOVE) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
The Peasantry and Environmental Management: Limits and Perspectives - WITKOWSKI, T. H. (UNOESTE); FELÍCIO, M. J. (NEAGEO) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Study Notes on the Brazilian Amazon Countryside - BOTELHO, L. (IFAM/Erasmus University, The Netherlands) [abstract] [paper]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 4B - Room 6
Chairmen: Carlos Cézar da Silva (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP); José Eduardo Colle (UNIP); Lucas Monteiro (UFMG)

Analysis of Metal Chip Recycling Methods Contaminated Considering Approaches to Eco-Efficiency and Eco-Effectiveness - MORAES, C. A. M. (UNISINOS/PPG); SIMON, L.; VARGAS, M. (UNISINOS) - [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Absence of the Impact of the Loss of Biodiversity in LCA Studies of Sustainable Construction: Unfamiliarity or Leniency? - PIMENTEL, D. L. C. S.; SALLES, M. T. (UFF) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Life Cycle Assesment – Comparative study of extruded Aluminium profile and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) - ESPITIA, A. C.; GONDAK, M. O.; SILVA, D. A. L. (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Sustainable IT: Waste Reduction through Technological Innovation - ATM CX3 Project - SOBRAL, F. A.; HOURNEAUX JUNIOR, F. (UNINOVE) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 4B - Room 7
Chairmen: Fábio Sevegnani (UNIP); Letícia Prevez Pascual (UNIP); Marcio Cardoso Machado (UNIP); Noé Vargas Betancout (UNISON)
Sustainability in the Process of Nail Care and Beauty in Beauty Salons in São Paulo - OZUNA, G. Y.; VELAZQUEZ, L. E. (UNISON, Mexico); GIANNETTI, B. F. (UNIP); MUNGUÍA, N. E. (UNISON, Mexico) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Analysis on the Status for Cleaner Production in China - CHANGBO,Z.; ZI, L.; JINGJUN, L.; XIAOAO,WANG.; YANYING, B.; GANG, F. (CRAES, China) [abstract] [paper]
Pathways to Cleaner Production in the Americas: Educational initiatives towards a Sustainable Transition - ASHTON, W. S.; HURTADO MARTIN, M.; KHALILI, N. (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA); PANERO, M. (New York Institute of Technology, USA) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
A Cleaner Production Process of Sodium Dichromate Via Pressure Oxidative Leaching of Chromite - XU H. B.; SHI Y. L.; ZHANG H. L.; CHENG X. C.; PEI L. L.; LIU J. W.; QING P. H.; TIAN Y.; CAI. Z. H.; ZHANG Y. (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) [abstract]
16:30 to 16:50
Coffee Break
16:50 to 18:50

Plenary Presentations

"Pollutant Release and Transfer Register in Brazil" - Marcus E. M. da Matta (Ecoadvisor Associated) [presentation]

"A WTE Strategic Analysis in Italy" - Massimo Gastaldi (Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Management and Network Economics and University of L’Aquila, Italy) [presentation]

"Cleaner Production in the Americas: Education Challenges and Outlook" - Weslynne Ashton (Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) and Stuart School of Business - USA) [presentation]

organizado por
Universidade Paulista - UNIP
con la participación de
Universidád de Sonora - México