1st International Workshop | Advances in Cleaner Production
Conference Proceedings
Cases of Success of the Paulista Cleaner Production Roundtable
"Votorantim Celulose e Papel S/A " - Presented by : Milton Ricardo Machado [presentation]
Institutional Conferences

"Ministério do Meio Ambiente-MMA" - Presented by: Luiz Fernando Krieger Merico [presentation]

"Company of Technology of Ambient Sanitation-CETESB" - Presented by: Meron Petro Zajac [presentation]

"Basic Sanitation Company of State of São Paulo-SABESP" - Presented by: Marcelo Salles Holanda de Freitas [presentation]

"Industries Federation of the State of São Paulo-FIESP" - Presented by: Luciano Coelho [presentation]

"National Service of Industrial Learning-SENAI" - Presented by: Tânia Machado de Souza Costa (SENAI) [presentation]

"Center of the São Paulo Industries-CIESP" - Presented by: Marlúcio Borges [presentation]

Reports of the Paulista Cleaner Production Roundtable Regional Committees

"Comitê Regional de Campinas " - Presented by: Er de Oliveira (3M do Brasil) [presentation]

"Comitê Regional de Paranapanema" - Presented by: Renato de Oliveira Leme (SINDIPAR) [presentation]

"Comitê Regional de São Carlos " - Presented by: Aldo Roberto Ometto (IFM-USP) [presentation]

"GT de Ações Regionais junto aos Setores Produtivos" - Presented by: Marlúcio Borges (CIESP-Campinas) [presentation]

Trainning Sessions
"Aplicabilidade da metodologia de Produção mais Limpa para as empresas - Instructor: Tânia Machado de Souza Costa (SENAI) [complementary context]

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