Trabajos Presentados

Accounting Contributions in Emergy for the National Solid Waste Policy - C. A. Di Agustini (FGV) ; L. P. Vendrametto (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Adsorption of Reactive Black 5 Dye From Aqueous Solution By Coal Fly Ash - P. Cunico; C. P. Magdalena; T. E. M. Carvalho; D. A. Fungaro (IPEN-CENEN - São Paulo) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Aggregating the Environmental Benefits and Economic Benefits: A case study with application of CP - K. Faccin (UCS); T. Benvenuti (UERGS); D. Maffessoni (UERGS); J. M. Rocha (UNIPAMPA) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Analysis of phenolic compounds, methylxanthins and antioxidant activity of erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil.) residue: a new potential source of antioxidants - M. A. Vieira; M. Maraschin; C. M. Pagliosa; R. Podestá; R. D. de M. C. Ambonie (UFSC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Analysis on Cleaner Production policy and its results in China - Duan Ning, Bai Yan-ying, Yu Xiu-ling, Yin Jie, Song Dan-na (China National Cleaner Production Center) [abstract] [orgnizational report] [presentation]

Application of Cleaner Production tool in Plastic Recycling Process - F. P. Faria; E. B. A. V. Pacheco (UFRJ) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Application of electrochemical degradation of wastewater composed of mixtures of phenol - formaldehyde” - A. L. T. Fornazari (USP - São Carlos-SP); G. R. P. Malpass (UFABC); D. W. Miwa; A. J. Motheo (USP - São Carlos-SP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Application of the Concept of Industrial Ecology to the Integrated Management System: Advantages and associated environmental improvements - J. Gameiro; M. L. P. Silva (Siemens) [abstract] [paper] **

Assessment of the Presence of Ecodesign Principles in a Chemical Company - M. Borchardt; M. A. Sellitto; G. M. Pereira (UNISINOS); M. H. Wendt (Artecola Indústrias Químicas) [abstract] [paper] **

B - C

Barriers to the Implementation of Cleaner Production as Ecoefficiency Practice in Small and Medium Enterprises in the State of Rio de Janeiro - M. T. B. Rossi (UFF); M. M. L. Barata (IOC/Fiocruz-RJ) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Case Study for Recovering of Landfill Landscape of Toledo-PR - C. C. Meinerz (UNIOESTE); J. C. Klein; S. Dimbarre (UNIPAR); D. Mondardo; P. P. Bellone; L. B. Santos; F. Scherer (UNIOESTE) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Projects and Generation of Clean Technologies in Brazil - C. Andrade (UFBA); A. Costa (UFBA); L. Nápravnik-Filho (UNIFACS); A. C. Telésforo (UFBA); A. Ventura (UFBA) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Cleaner Production and Environmental Aspects in Sugar-alcohol Industries - R. P. Alvarenga; T. R. Queiroz (UNESP-Tupã) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Cleaner Production Applied in Sealer Process of Paint Shop from an Automotive Company - L. Wiemes (FAMEC); U. Pawlowsky (UFPR) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Cleaner Production applied to the Hotel Sector - S. P. López; R. R. Rodríguez; S. L. Funes (Centro de Producción Más Limpia del Bajío - Mexico) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Cleaner Production Evaluation System (SAPmaisl): Encouraging The Continuous Improvement - R. F. W. Neetzow; J. M. Oliveira (SENAI-RS); A. V. Souza (Apoio Consultoria) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Cleaner Production in Construction Sector: a proposal of minimization of residues in the source - C. Mattosinho (UFPE); P. Pionório (FASETE) [abstract] [paper] **

Cleaner Production in Sector for the Manufacture of Leather Artifacts: Overview and Considerations - K. M. C. Mattos; M. R. Monteiro (UFSCar) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Cleaner Production: The Case of the Automotive Metal-mechanic Local Productive Arrangement from Serra Gaúcha - E. A. Severo; P. M. Olea; G. S. Milan; E. Dorion (UCS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

CO2 Flow Accounting in a Commercial Bamboo Plantation Aiming the Paper Production - L. Ghelmandi Netto; B. F. Giannetti (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Comparative Analysis of Houses Construction Using Emergy Accounting - C. S. Carvalho (Universidad Alberto Hurtado - Chile), Y. Ogura (UNIP), E. Grinover (Grinover Associados), A. R. P. L. Albuquerque (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Comparative Study of the Sustainability and the Human Development Index - F. J. C. Demetrio; B. F. Giannetti; C. M. V. B. de Almeida (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Comparative Study with Emphasis on Emergy Environmental Sustainability of food with nutritional similarity - R. L. Guarnetti; B. F. Giannetti (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Contribution of Packaging to Cleaner Production Goals - G. Radonjič (University of Maribor - Slovenia) - Presented by: G. Radonjič [abstract] [paper] **

Contributions of Environmental Accounting in Emergy for  Understanding of Soybean Production System on the Perspective of Sustainable Agriculture - L. P. Vendrametto; S. H. Bonilla (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

CP Promoting System in China - Yin Jie, Duan Ning, Yu Xiuling, Bai Yanying (National Cleaner Production Center - China) [abstract] [organizational report] [presentation]

Crude Coconut Oil for Biodiesel Synthesis - G. S. Araújo; R. H. R. Carvalho; E. M. B. D. Sousa (UFRN) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Cryogenics Containers for Cargo Transport - J. L. A. Lima; M. S. Nogueira Neto; J. B. Sacomano; J. P. A. Fusco (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

D - E

Determination of Relevant Environmental Impacts and Benefits Caused by Balbina Hydropower at Amazon - D. Wittmann; S. H. Bonilla (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Development of a Environmental Methodology for Solid Wastes Management in Higher Education Institutions - C. R. Vaz; A. B. Fagundes; P. C. Machado; I. L. Oliveira; J. L. Kovaleski (UTFPR) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Diagnosis of the Forest Fragmentation on Watershed Córrego Poço Grande, Ouro Verde do Oeste City, Paraná - D. Mondardo; A. Uhlein; D. D. Castagnara; F. G. Klein; A. Feiden; C. C. Meinerz (UNIOESTE) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Emergy–based Environmental Accounting of the Engineering Course at a Paulista University Campus - A. P. Z. Santos; A. D. Frugoli; C. M. V. B. Almeida, P. A. Frugoli, C. A. F. Lima(UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Energetic & Environmental Framework of Biofuels Plants - F. D. Soler (Siqueira Castro Advogados) [abstract] [paper] **

Energy Efficiency Management - J. M. A. Godoi; S. Oliveira Junior (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Environmental accounting in emergy for a house construction - J. G. A. Carvalho; S. H. Bonilla; C. M. V. B. Almeida (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Environmental Assessments of Transportation Biofuels in Europe: A Survey - C. P. Pappis; E. C. Petrou (University of Piraeus - Greece) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Environmental Benefits of Water Recovery in a Tilapia Production System, by Using Emergy Environmental Accounting - J. L. Pierobom; S. H. Bonilla (UNIP) - Presented by: J. L. Pierobom [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Environmental Impact Assessment under the view of the elaborators and their Knowledge Management activities - C. V. Viegas; C. S. C. R. Coelho; P. M. Selig (UFSC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Environmental Impacts and Biodiesel Production in Pilot Scale - J. Kaercher; R. C. S. Schneider; R. A. Klamt; W. L. T. Silva; W. L. Schmatz (UNISC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Environmental Management on the Project of Serra do Mar´s New Immigrants Highway: Study case - D. A. Fungaro (IPEN-CNEN-São Paulo); L. Martins (UniABC); A. F. Margarido (Figueiredo Ferraz Consultoria e Eng. de Projetos) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Environmental Performance Evaluation Based on  the Concept of Cleaner Production - A. Coelho; M. A. Macedo; L. N. L. Vidal; E. S. Correia (SENAI -Bahia) [abstract] [paper] **

Environmental Performance of Cement Industry in Vietnam: The Influence of ISO 14001 Certification - N. Q. Ahn; L. Hens (Vrije Universiteit Brussels - Belgium) [abstract] [presentation]

Environmental Public Policy and Performance Improvement Induction: an Initial Review - F. M. Ribeiro (CETESB); I. Kruglianskas (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Environmental Requirements on the Product Process Development Applied in Furniture Industries - P. A. Azevedo; A. M. Nolasco (ESALQ) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Environmental Technology for Tanneries and their Adequacy for Projects of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) - E. A. Ananias; S. A. Pacca (USP)[abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Evaluation of the Pollutant Removal Mechanisms of a Reed Bed System: Biochemical Parameters - A. M. Islam; T. Tudor; M. Bates (University of Northampton - UK) [abstract] [paper] **

Evolution of Industrial Environmental Approaches - J. C. F. Lima, E. W. Rutkowski (UNICAMP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

F - L

Factors Analysis on Promotion of Cleaner Production in Compulsory Enterprises - Dan Zhigang; Duan Ning; Yu Xiuling; Yin Jie; Bai Yanying; Song Dan-na (National Cleaner Production Center - China) [abstract] [paper] **

Fencing Blocks Using Recycled Rubble - R. M. Abreu; R. W. Lopes; R. Arzak, A. E. Salvi (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Glycerol: An Innovative Energy Source From Biodiesel Production - B. R. L. Gonçalves; L. Perez; A. C. D. Ângelo (UNESP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Industrial Ecology as strategic tool for environmental policy-making process in Brazil - A. S. Pereira (UNICAMP); A. Vilela Jr (SENAC); E. W. Rutkowski (UNICAMP) [abstract] [paper] **

Infrastructure as a Key Factor for the Sustainability of Logistic Agricultural Production - I. K. Makiya; R. C. Traballi (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Innovation and Cleaner Production: The MONGEE SYSTEM – GREEN GASES TRACKING INFORMATION SYSTEM - M. G. Farias; T. C. D. Bueno; A. T. Nicolini;  S. P. M. Bedin (UDESC); T. P. S. Oliveira (Instituto I3G - Florianópolis-SC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Investing in Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Projects - R. B. Kerr; L. C. J. Perera; H. Kimura (Mackenzie); F. G. Lima (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

LCA of Public Luminaires: Proposal for Mapping Production Flow for Inventory - O. Sanchez Júnior (IPT-SP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

LEGOLEVE Blocks - R. C. Kanning; J. A. Cerri (UTFPR) [abstract] [paper]**

M - O

Management of the Use of Vegetable Oils in Order to Restaurant Cleaner Production - R. C. S. Schneider; E. Santos; R. A. Klamt; E. L. Machado (UNISC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Managing I/O material flows in industrial processes – A key step towards sustainable production - P. J. Partidário; J. M. Figueiredo (INETI - Lisbon-Portugal) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Matter study case: the present situation of recycle selective of sorocaba city and study for partners between zone factories to more cleaning production - M. Carvalho; M. Lopes; G. Simões (UNIP) [abstract] [organizational report] [presentation]

Minimization of Foundry Sand Generation Using Tools From the Cleaner Production Program - C. B. Maciel (Tecnoambi); C. A. M. Moraes (UNISINOS); C. E. Teixeira (UCS); I. A. Schneider (UFRGS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Model of analysis of Performance of Healthcare Waste (HW) Management by indicators, São Carlos-SP, Brazil - K. S. Ventura; L. F. R. Reis (USP - São Carlos-SP); Angela M. M. Takayanagui (USP - Ribeirão Preto-SP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Modelling of a DR Shaft Operated with Pure Hydrogen Using a Physical-Chemical and CFD Approach - A. R. Costa (Institut Jean Lamour - Nancy, France); D. Wagner (Arcelor Mittal - Metz, France); F. Patisson (Institut Jean Lamour - Nancy, France) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Modification of the Sour Cassava Starch Production Process to Improve Organic Acids in the Wastewater - V. Reginatto; D. Kurtz; M. J. A. Marcon; J. J. M. Xavier; V. M. Scussel; E. R. Amante (UFSC) - Presented by: V. Reginatto [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

New paint without the use of Coal Tar - C. Solera; C. Gnecco; D. L. S. Brunelli (Sherwin-Willians) [abstract] [organizational report] [presentation]

New Weld Fume Chamber Design to Assess HAP Emissions Potential and Promote Cleaner Production - B. Kura; J. Jackens; J. Keay (University of New Orleans) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Obstacles for Brazil’s Consolidation in Cleaner and Renewable Energy Production - G. A. Santini; L. B. Pinto (UNESP - Tupã-SP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Organic Food Consumers in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia - S. D. P. Trevizan (UESC); A. D. Casemiro (UESB) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Organic Food: Challenges for a Public Domain of a Concept - A. D. Casemiro (UESB); S. D. P. Trevizan (UESC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]


Physical-chemical characterization of residues from plum (Prunus salicina) orchards - R. Podestá; M. A. Vieira; C. M. Pagliosa (UFSC); K. N. Simas (UNIP); M. Maraschine (UFSC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Plasma Processes as a Cleaner Alternative for Cleaning, Corrosion Resistance, and Functionalization of Metallic Surfaces - T. García; E. Nascimento; E. Bittencourt (UNICAMP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Pollution Prevention in an Auto Assembly Plant in Hermosillo, Mexico - J. Esquer; N. Elenes; A. Zavala (UNISON, Mexico) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Principles Of Thermoelectric In Small Properties - L. L. Silva; M. S. Alves; V. C. Silva; A. L. Rocha (IFAL - AL) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Production Of Biofuels From Cassava Starch Producing Wastewater - F. Lamaison; V. Reginatto; E. R. Amante; R. V. Antônio (UFSC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Promoting Cleaner Production through Innovative University Research Methods - B. Kura (University of New Orleans) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Proposal for a construction system based on sustainable use of sawmill waste - E. Grinover (Grinover Associados); Y. Ogura (UNIP); C. S. Carvalho (Universidad Alberto Hurtado - Chile); C. Moliterno; A. R. P. L. Albuquerque (UNIP) - [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Proposal for Integration of Sustainability in the Process of Rational Planning - L. C. Silva; O. L. G. Quelhas (UFF) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Proposal of Environmental Recovery of the Urban Area of the Ouro Monte River Watershed - D. Mondardo; P. P. Bellon; L. B. Santos; C. C. Meinerz (UNIOESTE); A. F. Haoui (UTFPR) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Proposal to the Residues Reduction in the Process of the Plasma Cutting  of a Manufacturer of Building Systems - G. S. Milan; F. Z. Guedes; F. B. Angnes (UCS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Proposals for the Recovery of Waste Processing of Orange Juice - K. Rezzadori; S. Benedetti (UFSC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Proposition of a Method for Remanufacturing Based on QFD - F. N. Puglieri (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Public Environmental Management: Risks and Problems of Garbage in the City of Pelotas / RS - A. S. S. Kautzmann; M. G. S. Nogueira; G. D. O. Casalinho (UFPel) [abstract] [paper] **

R - S

Reduction In Waste Of Firewood And Raw Material Applying The Methodology Of Cleaner Production In The Sector Of Red Ceramic In Seridó Region - E. P. Almeida; L. R. Porto; E. M. M. A. Nóbrega; A. F. F. Queiroga (CEPIS-PB); I. Costa (IFET-PB) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Reuse Of Water And Process Waste From The Dairy Industry - L. F. W. Brum; L. C. O. Santos Júnior; S. Benedetti (UFSC)i [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Saving Productive Resources through Simulation Models Studies - M. S. Nogueira Neto (UNIP); R. C. Barros (FEI); J. B. Sacomano; J. L. A. Lima (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Segregation of Waste Health Services as a Cleaning Production Process: Case Study of the 7th Region of São Paulo State - E. M. Paveloski; J. Hamada (UNESP-Bauru) [abstract] [paper] *

Socio Environmental Survey of Vera Cruz do Oeste Municipality - L. B. Santos; D. Mondardo; L. Luvizon; P. P. Bellon; C. C. Meinerze (UNIOESTE), P. S. R. Oliveira (UNIPAR) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Solutions for Energy Savings and Environmental Compliance Leading to Cleaner & Lower Cost Production - A. J. Basu (JNE Consulting Ltd. - Canada); V. B. Dutta (Advenient Technology - USA); D. Datta (M&I Power Technology, Inc. - Canada [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Study of viability of use of a natural polymer (TANFLOC) in substitution to aluminum sulphate in the water treatment for human consumption - L. A. Coral (UFSC); R. Bergamasco (UEM); F. J. Bassetti (UTFPR) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Substitution of Non-Biodegradable Surfactants Used in Emulsion Polymerizations - A Study of the Polymerization Process and Performance of Products Obtained - C. R. S. Buono; E.  Bittencourt (UNICAMP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Sustainability and Cleaner Production in Construction Sites - J. Gehlen (UnB) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Sustainability index to civil construction: A brazilian check-list proposal - L. S. Goron (UFRGS); J. M. Oliveira (SENAI-RS); R. M. C. Tubino (UFRGS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Sustainable Development and Participation Governance: Local Productive Arrangement and Technological Park of the Santos - E. P. Guerreiro; E. S. Monteiro; H. C. Nannic (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Sustainable Production: an approach of occupational health and safety in the auto parts industry in Hermosillo, Mexico - A. Marín; N. Munguía, L. Veláquez (UNISON - Mexico) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Sustainable Raw material use and Reduction of Effluent Residues and: Cases of Success - S. G. G. Ley; D. S. A. Batista; A. P. Fittipaldi; A. J. Amorim (CTS SENAI-RJ); C. A. Syme (FIOCRUZ) [abstract] [paper] **

Sustainable Water Management in the University of Sonora, Mexico - N. Munguía; M. Ojeda; L. Velázquez (UNISON - Mexico) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

SusUrbia – Sustainable Urban Life Beyond Peak Oil - D. A. Bergquist (Uppsala CSD - Sweden) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

T - Z

The Cleaner Production Applied to a Small  Industry  of the Furniture Sector: Economic and Environmental Efficiency - M. Oliveira; F. A. Araújo (UFJF) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

The cleaner prodution applied in a group of restaurants in Paraíba - L. R. Porto; A. F. F. Queiroga; E. M. M. A. Nóbrega; E. P. Almeida; T. C. B. P. Silva (CEPIS-PB); I. Costa (IFET-PB) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

The contribution of Cleaner Production in the improvement of work conditions and workers health: a case study - E. C. Batiz (SOCIESC); M. G. Farias (UDESC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

The Correct Fate of the wastes of a cheese manufacture - an Analysis of Economic Viability - L. Serpa; W. L. Priamo; V. Reginatto (UFSC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

The Implementation of the Cleaner Production in the rubber industry - a case study - G. C. Oliveira Neto (UNINOVE); L. E. C. Chaves; O. Vendrametto; J. B. Sacomano (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

The Search for Sustainability of PET through the Supply Chain Sustainability - A. Formigoni (UNESP - Guaratinguetá-SP); E. F. Rodrigues (UMC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

The Solid Waste treatment used by Port of Santos administration - J. Monteiro Junior; O. Vendrametto (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Thermogravimetric Analysis Of The Polyurethane Biodegradable Foam Of The Project Gasolimp Product As A Power Cogenerating Agent - J. C. V. Cortez (UFPB) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Used Cooking Oil Recycling: a Contribution to Increase the Process Productivity - O. S. R. Pitta Junior (FATEC - Santos-SP); M. S. Nogueira Neto; J. B. Sacomano; J. L. A. Lima (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Valorization of Solid residues: egg shell as raw material to new products development - D. A. Oliveira; P. Benelli; E. R. Amante (UFSC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Waste Management of Salt Solar Distillation - M. A. S. B. Sousa; J. L. S. Melo; H. N. S. Melo; M. C. Borges; A. O. Nunes (UFRN) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Water Quality Management: the Brazilian and the American Models - L. B. E. Veiga; A. Magrini (UFRJ) [abstract] [paper] **

WSD as a Sustainable Tool for the CP Practices: Water/Wastewater Minimization in Industrial Processes - R. C. Mirre; L. Yokoyama; F. L. P. Pessoa (UFRJ) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Zero discharge of galvanoplasty's effluent - Use of a reactor for high efficiency of electrocoagulation-flotation combined with ion exchange resins for plating wastewater treatment - P. Araújo; J. Katz (EFIL) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

organizado por


Universidade Paulista - UNIP
con la participación de
ASEC - Brazil
National Prevention Polution Roundtable - USA
Universidád Cienfuegos - Cuba
Universidád de Sonora - México
Programa - 20/05/2009
Programa - 21/05/2009
Programa - 22/05/2009
Trabajos Presentados
Edición Especial - Journal of Cleaner Production
Mención Especial
Relatorio Tecnico