Programação sujeita a alterações de acordo com o Comitê Organizador
08:00 to 09:40
Oral Presentation - Session 5A - Room 1
Chairmen: Maria de Fatima de Freitas Bueno (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP), Heitor Feitosa Marinho Neto (UNIP), Adriana Marotti de Mello (USP), Ricardo Barcelos (SENAC)
Upcycling in the Fashion Segment: Case Study at Recollection Lab - LUCIETTI, T. J.; RAMOS, M. D. S.; SORATTO, R. B. TRIERWEILLER, A. C. (UFSC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Cycle Assessment of Jeans Pants Production - MORITA, A. M. (UEM); MOORE, C. S.; KULAY, L. A. (USP); RAVAGNANI, M. A. S. S. (UEM) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Emergy Analysis for Brazilian Cotton Agriculture - BLATT, E. F.; ALMEIDA, C. M. V. B. (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
08:00 to 09:40
Oral Presentation - Session 5A - Room 2
Chairmen: Thames Richard Silva (UNIP), Geraldo Cardoso de Oliveira Neto (UNINOVE), Rose Reis de Souza (UNIP)
Eco-Efficiency Analysis of Hand Drying Systems - CARVALHO, J. S.; OLIVEIRA, S. A. (UFABC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Street Lighting Management with Eco-Efficiency - SANCHEZ JUNIOR, O. (IPT-SP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
The State of Art of Recycling of Electrical and Electronic Waste in Brazil - SANTANA, E. V. B.; ELABRAS-VEIGA, L. B. (IFRJ) [abstract] [paper]
Modelling the Generation of Waste Electrical Household Appliances: Characterization of the Home Flow in the City of Campos-RJ - PESSANHA, L. P. M.; MORALES, G. (UENF) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
08:00 to 09:40
Oral Presentation - Session 5A - Room 3
Chairmen: Roberto René Moreno Garcia (UNIP), Diogo A. Lopes Silva (UFSCar), Walter Sátyro (UNIP), Erica Morandi Paveloski (Universidade do Sagrado Coração)
Sustainability and Performance in Organization: An Analysis of the Triple Bottom Line Approach - HORNEAUX JR., F.; GALLELI, B. (USP); NUNES, B. (Aston Business School - UK) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Proposal of a Template to Sustainability Management by Integrating Triple Bottom Line and Balanced Scorecard from the Quality Management - NICOLETTI JR., A. (UNIMEP); OLIVEIRA, M. C.; HELLENO, A. L. (UNIMEP/Mackenzie) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Benefits of Integrating Life Cycle Assessment into the Product Development - LUZ, L. M.; FRANCISCO, A. C.; PIERKARSKI, C. M. (UTFPR) [abstract] [paper]
Environmental Sustainability and Lean Production: A Case Study - QUEIROZ, G. A. (UFSCar/USP); ESPOSTO, K. F. (USP); ALVES FILHO, A. G.; HAYASHI, A. P. (UFSCar) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
08:00 to 09:40
Oral Presentation - Session 5A - Room 4 (ENGLISH)
Chairmen: Luca Coscieme (UNIP), Rachel Magnago (UNISUL), Claudia Mariana Loeza Renterá (UNISON - Mexico)
Analysis of MSW to Energy Conversion Process for Sustainable Community - GABBAR, H. A.; ABOUGHALY, M. (University of Ontario - Canada) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Multi-Objective Optimization of a New Sustainable Methanol Plant with Cogenerated Energy - ROCHA, L. B.; GIMENES, M. L.; FARIA, S. H. B.; SILVA, R. O. (UEM); ESTELLER, L. J. (Universitat Rovira i Virgilli - Spain) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
The Perspectives of Biomethane to Contribute to Increase the NG Supply - GARCILASSO, V. P.; SANTOS, M. M.; PEREIRA, A. S.; JOPPERT, C. L.; PERECIN, D.; POVEDA, M.; COLUNA, M. E.; COELHO, S. T. (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
A Profitability Analysis of Small-Scale Biomethane Plants - CUCCHIELLA, F.; D'ADAMO, I.; GASTALDI, M. (University of L'Aquila - Italy); MILIACCA, M. (University of Rome Tor Vergata - Italy) [abstract] [paper]
08:00 to 09:40
Oral Presentation - Session 5A - Room 5
Chairmen: Marcos José Alves Pinto Jr. (UNIP), Natália de Assis Brasil Weber (USP), Gabriela Scur (FEI), Thayla Zomer (UFSC)
Reuse of Post-Consumer Polyethylene Terephthalate in the Construction Industry - MARQUES, D. V. (UNISUL); BARCELOS, R. L. (SENAC); MAGNAGO, R. F. (UNISUL) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Sustainability Assessment Criteria for a Green Building Enterprise - SANTOS, L. C. R.; RISENBERG, R. R. C. (PUC-PR); PINHEIRO DE LIMA, E. (PUC-PR/UTFPR) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Wood Construction and Circular Building: Potential for Sustainability - TAVARES, S. F.; INO, A.; OMETTO, A. R. (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
08:00 to 09:40
Oral Presentation - Session 5A - Room 6
Chairmen: Welleson Feitosa Gazel (UNIP), Júlio Cesar Ferro de Guimarães (UFPEL), Patrícia Lagranha do Amaral (UNIP), Andrea Oliveira Nunes (UFSCAR)
Cleaner Production for Rock Quarrying 'Campel Construções e Máquinas Pesadas LTDA' - PONTES, J. C.; SILVA, V. P. (IRFN); LIMA, V. L. A. (UFCG); NASCIMENTO, P. H. M. (IFRN) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Portland Cement Production with Dregs and Grits from Kraft Pulp Mills Incorporation to the Clinker - TORRES, C. M. M. E..; SILVA, C. M.; PEDROTI, L. G.; FERNANDES, W. E. H.; BALLOTIN, F. C.; ZANUNCIO, J. C. (UFV) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Case Study on Selective Colection in Electromechanical Laboratories: First Initiatives Based on an Evaluative Model - DRAHEIN, A. D. (UNICESUMAR) [abstract] [paper]
Diagnosis of Waste from a Red Ceramics Towards to Cleaner Production - SILVA, R. G. (IFRS); SILVA, V. P. (IFRN) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
08:00 to 09:40
Oral Presentation - Session 5A - Room 7 (ENGLISH)
Chairmen: José Hugo de Oliveira (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP), Claudia Viegas (UNISINOS), Pedro Simões (UNIP), Marcell Mariano Correa Maceno (UFPR)
Soft Sensors to Assess the Energy Consumption in the Formation of Lead-Acid Batteries - CABELLO, J. J.; SAGASTUME, A.; SOUSA, V.; HERRERA, H.; BALBIS, M.; SILVA, J. (Universidad de la Costa - Colombia) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
The Conceptual Proposal of a Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic Module with Water Coil Cooling - ZANLORENZI, G.; SZEJKA, A. L. (PUC-PR); SOUZA, T. M. (UNESP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Environmental Impacts of the Potential Nationalization of the Production of Li-Ion Cells for Electric Vehicle Batteries in Brazil - VELANDIA VARGAS, J. E.; MANZI, G. H.; COOPER, R. E.; SEABRA, J.; ANHOLON, R. (UNICAMP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Bolivia's Lithium Frontier: Can Cleaner Technologies Harness a Mineral Development Boom? - HANCOCK, L.; RALPH, N. (Deakin University - Australia); ALI, S. H. (University of Delaware - USA) [abstract] [paper]
09:40 to 10:00
10:00 to 12:00


Room 01: Sustainability of Supply Chains - Bruno Silvestre (University of Manitoba - Canada)

Room 02: Industry Innovation - Carlos Montalvo (Netherlands Organisation for applied Scientific Research (TNO) - Netherlands)

Room 03: Decreasing Corporate and Family Carbon Footprint - Luís Eduardo Velázquez Contreras (University of Sonora - Mexico)

Room 04: Sustainable Cities - Gengyuan Liu (Beijing Normal University - China)

12:00 to 13:30
13:30 to 15:00


"Global Income Inequality and Climate Change"

Klaus Hubacek (University of Maryland - USA)

15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 5B - Room 1
Chairmen: Marcos José Alves Pinto Jr. (UNIP), Adriana Marotti de Mello (USP), Andrea Oliveira Nunes (UFSCAR), Rose Reis de Souza (UNIP)
Bibliometric Mapping of Scientific Literature of Eco-Innovation (1978-2017) - VAZ, C. R.; LEZANA, A. G. R.; URIONA MALDONADO, M. (UFSC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
The Influence of Competitive Intelligence in Environmentally Sustainable Innovation Management - MARCON, A.; MELATI, C.; HEINZE, M.; DE MEDEIROS, J. F.; RIBEIRO, J. L. D. (UFRGS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Cleaner Production, Social Responsibility and Eco-Innovation as Antecedents of Environmental Awareness and Sustainable Consumption: The Generations's Perception of a Sustainable Future - SEVERO, E. A. (IMED); GUIMARÃES, J. C. F. (UFPEL); DORION, E. C. H. (UCS); GIRARDI, G. (IMED) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Eco Innovation in the Context of Green Supply Chain Management: A Proposal of a Conceptual Framework - SOUZA, W. J. V.; SCUR, G.; HILSDORF, W. C. (FEI) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Systematization and Classification of Cleaner Production Practices, Techniques and Tools - PESCIM, G. F.; ESPOSTO, K. F. (USP) [abstract] [paper]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 5B - Room 2 (ENGLISH)

Chairmen: Luca Coscieme (UNIP), Claudia Viegas (UNISINOS), Maria Lúcia Pereira da Silva (USP), Heitor Feitosa Marinho Neto (UNIP)

Cleaner Production Practices Towards Circular Economy Implementation at the Micro-Level: An Empirical Investigation of a Home Appliance Manufacturer - SOUZA-ZOMER, T. T. (UFSC); MAGALHÃES, L.; ZANCUL, E. (USP); CAMPOS, L. M. S. (UFSC); CAUCHICK-MIGUEL, P. A. (UFSC/USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
The Influence of Enterpeneurial and Market and Knowledge Management Orientations about a Cleaner Production and the Sustanable Competititve Advantage - GUIMARÃES, J. C. F. (UFPel); SEVERO, E. A. (IMED); VASCONCELOS, C. R. M. (UnP) [abstract] [paper][presentation]
Analysis of Circular Economy in the Administrative-Managerial Programs of Sustainability in the Public Sector - SILVA, R. G. (UFPE); MELLO, D. P.(UFPE/UFRPE); MELO, M. B. C.; ALVES, L. S. (UFPE); EL-DEIR, S. G. (UFPE/UFRPE) [abstract] [paper]
Megacity Food-Energy-Water Pathway Analysis Based on a Systems Thinking Dynammic Circular Economy Calculator - JINGYAN XUE; GENGYUAN LIU (BNU - China); CASAZZA, M. (Parthenope University of Naples - Italy) [abstract] [paper]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 5B - Room 3
Chairmen: Thames Richard Silva (UNIP), Walter Sátyro (UNIP), Julio Cesar de Pontes (IFRN)
Sustainable Supply Chain Management: The Missing Link of Social Sustainability - MORAIS, D. O. C. (FGV); SILVESTRE, B. S. (University of Manitoba - Canada) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Motivations for Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility: Bibliographic Mapping and Research Hypothesis Proposition - PIETZSCH, N.; RIBEIRO, J. L. D.; DE MEDEIROS, J. F. (UFRGS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Assessment of the Integration Between Corporate Social Responsibility Practices and Management Processes in Brazilian Companies - CAZERI, G. T.; ANHOLON, R.; COOPER ORDOÑEZ, R. E.; SILVA, D. (UNICAMP); QUELHAS, O. L. G. (UFF) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
The ESG-Environmental, Social and Governance Performance in Different Institutional Environments - GARCIA, A. S.; ORSATO, R.; MENDES-DA-SILVA, W. (FGV) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 5B - Room 4
Chairmen: Welleson Feitosa Gazel (UNIP), Pablo Carpejani (PUC-PR), Alaercio Nicoletti Junior (UNIMEP)
Evaluation of Cleaner Production Opportunities for the Horizontal Packaging Process - STALTER, C. F.; MORAES, C. A. M. (UNISINOS) [abstract] [paper][presentation]
Environmental, Economic and Technical Performance: A Comparative Study of Carrier Bags - CARVALHO, J. S.; MACEDO, J. R. N.; OLIVEIRA, S. A.; ROSA, D. S. (UFABC) [abstract] [paper][presentation]
The Production Planning and Control Eco-Efficient: A Case Study in the Plastic Segment - COSTA, I. S.; OLIVEIRA NETO, G. C.; LOPES, D. R. G.; FERREIRA, G. B. (UNINOVE) [abstract] [paper][presentation]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 5B - Room 5
Chairmen: José Hugo de Oliveira (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP), Natália de Assis Brasil Weber (USP), Patrícia Lagranha do Amaral (UNIP)
Proposal for a Preliminary Model of Integrated Product Development Oriented to Production Activities - FAGAN, A. M. V. (UTFPR/PUC-PR); CANCIGLIERI, O. (PUC-PR) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Planned Obsolence and Sustainability - SATYRO, W. C.; SACOMANO, J. B.; CONTADOR, J. C.; CARDOSO, A.; SILVA, E. P. (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Proposal to Include Sustainability Aspects in the Product Development Process - LEÓN, C. A. V.; CORDEIRO, G. A.; DEPAULA, C. P.; PACHECO, JR.; COOPER, R. E. (UNICAMP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 5B - Room 6

Chairmen: Maria de Fatima de Freitas Bueno (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP), Diogo A. Lopes Silva (UFSCar), Pedro Simões (UNIP)

Business Cooperation Networks: Arrozeiras do Sul Experience - D'OLIVEIRA, J. P.; PASQUALETTO, A. (PUC-GO); GUEDES, L. G. de R. (UFG/PUC-GO) [abstract] [paper]
Carbon Footprint of Intensive Broiler Production - LIMA, N. D. S.; NÄAS, I. (UNICAMP); GARCIA, R. G. (UFGD) [abstract] [paper][presentation]
Development of a Complement for Animal Feeding from Microalga Chlorella sp Biomass - CANTU, L. C.; PRADO, M. R.; BALLAO, M. C. R.(UTFPR); RAMALHO, A. M. (UFPR) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Sustainable of tomatoes supply chain management – Cases of study - CAMILO, R.; MANO, T. B.; ROCHA, L. B.; ALMEIDA, R. A. de; REZENDE, R. V. de P.; RAVAGNANI, M. da a. S. S. (UEM) [abstract] [paper][presentation]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 5B - Room 7
Chairmen: Fábio Sevegnani (UNIP), Roberto René Moreno Garcia (UNIP), Eduardo F. Blatt (UNIP)
Artificial Stone Produced with Stone Powder and Polymerica Agglomerant - AGUIAR, M. C.; SILVA, A. G. P. (UENF); GADIOLI, M. C. B. (CETEM) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Life Cycle Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Systems Including Constructed Wetlands - RESENDE, J. D.; NOLASCO, M. A.; PACCA, S. A. (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Produced Water Treatment by Nanofiltration - TURRA, C.; GIACOBBO, A.; BERNARDES, A. M. (UFRGS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Use of Experimental Design in the Study of Water Absorption of Ceramic Incorporated with Red Mud - BABISK, M. P. (UENF); BUROCK, I. P. (UFES); RIBEIRO, L. S. (UENF); PRADO, U. S. (Lining - Repr. Consult. & Projetos Ltda); MONTEIRO, S. N. (Instituto Militar de Engenharia - RJ); VIEIRA, C. M. F. (UENF) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
16:30 to 16:50
Coffee Break
16:50 to 19:50


"Ten Years Working Together for a Sustainable Future"

Donald Huisingh (University of Tennessee - USA) [presentation]

realizado por
Universidade Paulista - UNIP
organizado por
Universidade Paulista - UNIP
com a participação de
ACPN Global Center
ACPN Asian, African and Oceanian Center
ACPN North American Center
ACPN Latin American and Caribbean Center
ACPN European Center