The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG's):

  Synergies, Trade-Offs, Indicators and Recommendations for a Post-2030 Agenda

Graduation Program on Production Engineering of Universidade Paulista (UNIP) and the Advances in Cleaner Production Network (ACPN), represented by the coordinators of the Workshop "THE UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (UN SDG'S): SYNERGIES, TRADE-OFFS, INDICATORS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A POST-2030 AGENDA", is extremely grateful to Visiting Professor Luca Coscieme (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) for his kind participation and valuable contribution.


Thank you the all the participants and to Trinity College Dublin who have made this event possible.


We also are sincerely grateful to the staff and partners of Universidade Paulista for the aid.


Special thanks are addressed to Dr. Yugo Okida, the Vice-Rector of Graduation and Research of UNIP, to Dr. Marília Ancona-Lopez, the Vice-Rector of Under Graduation of UNIP, to Dr. Marina Soligo, Main Coordinator of Graduation and Research of UNIP, an to Dr. Oduvaldo Vendrametto, Coordinator of Graduation on Production Engineering of UNIP, for their unconditional support.


Biagio F. Giannetti

Cecilia M.V.B. Almeida

Feni D. Agostinho


Workshop Coordinators

The Workshop


UN Sustainable Development Goals


Implementing the SDGs presents opportunities for further improvement of post-2030 sustainability initiatives. Dr. Coscieme will discuss how synergies and trade-offs exist among the SDGs and how progress towards some of them can reinforce, or impair, the achievement of others. The rising awareness of the economic, security, social and moral dimensions of environmental challenges is calling for a broader consideration of environmental policy as an essential tool for delivering sustainable human and ecological development, wellbeing, and resilience. In addition, the increasing availability of environmental measures from satellite observations has the potential to substantially contribute to a broader implementation of the environmental SDGs at the global scale. All of this will likely shape future initiatives for UN-SDGs-like agreements and assessment of progress towards sustainable development.

Luca Coscieme is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie and CAROLINE research fellow from Trinity College Dublin. His research focuses on ecosystem services and natural capital evaluation and the Sustainable Development Goals indicators.


He has been awarded with post-doctoral scholarships in Europe and Brazil by the European Commission, the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, the Irish Research Council, and the São Paulo Research Foundation.


Luca is contributing to theoretical and practical reforming of the economics discipline overcoming paradigms of growth at all costs. In 2014 he has been entitled subject expert in “Sustainability and Environmental Certification” by the University of Siena (Italy). Since 2015 he is a member of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the RESURBE initiative for transition to resilience and adaptation through community development under the umbrella of the United Nations (UNEP, UNDP and UNESCO) and FAO.


He is Editor of Frontiers in Energy Research and authored multiple publications on international peer-reviewed journals.



1. Introduction (20 min)

The workshop activities are introduced to the participants.


2. Lecture (1h)

Dr. Coscieme will give a lecture on the SDGs with an emphasis on synergies, trade-offs and indicators.


3. Q & A (30 min)

The participants are given time to ask for questions and comment on the content of the lecture.


4. Discussion on synergies, trade-offs and indicators (30 min)

The participants will discuss on a list of papers in order to identify the main shortcomings and positives of the current SDGs initiatives. The papers are made available to the participants before the workshop.


5. Recommendations for a post-2030 Agenda (1h)

The participants will produce a document (including, at least, a bullet point list) with recommendations for improving the SDGs in post-2030 initiatives.



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