“The economy we seek [...] recognizes that the linear flow of money and stuff is only a fragment of the larger real economy, embedded in human society. [...] More fundamentally, the economy and society are both embedded in the rest of nature. Without intact ecosystems and the services they provide us, neither can long survive”.

H. Lovins, D. Morton, R. Costanza,  I. Kubiszewski. “Economy on the edge”. The Guardian Sustainable Business, June 6th, 2014.

A key role in understanding the way in which we can move from the “economic vs. environment” dilemma is played by the proper understanding of the concept of sustainability. What does it mean, actually? Is that a useful concept? Does it work in practical terms? Is there anybody (individual, institution, etc.) able to operationalize it? With which instruments? What is the role of society?

The course aims at giving a theoretical vision of the meaning of “sustainability”, through the identification of its foundations. The state of the art of sustainability in practical terms is also examined, looking at tools, policies, implementation and results.   

The workshop will propose some steps, both theoretical and practical, that help identify the problems related to the “conflict” between human activity and the environment, go through these problems, and look for solutions.
Participants will be invited to acknowledge the physical basis of human activities and, in particular, the economic process. This implies the need to complement the traditional  (economic) language with other symbols and values to be properly and practically used.

Specific Objectives

  • Clarifying the concept of sustainability and its pillars.
  • Identifying tools and techniques for sustainability assessment, resource management and activity planning.
  • Discussing pros and cons of the practical applicability for a new paradigm.

Workshop Program

09:00 – 10:15 – The need of sustainability: introduction, contextualization, definition, and communication

10:15 – 10:35 – Coffee break

10:35 – 13:00 – Biophysical foundations of sustainability, un-sustainability, the limits of the planet and possible thresholds

13:00 – 14:00 – Lunch

14:00 – 15:00 – Sustainability in practice: diagnosis, tools, proposals, perspectives

15:00 – 16:00 – Open discussion: criticism, skepticism, notes from the Brazilian experience, future perspectives

Performed by

Universidade Paulista - UNIP