13th IWACP Experience
This website is the result of the academic community's efforts to make progress in Cleaner Production and Sustainability. Thanks to all the participants, for joining us in this journey, as we all are exploring a new territory and the challenges of converting a conference to an online version.
With more than 129 registrations and 57 contributions included in the conference proceedings, the conference fulfilled its goal of continuing the important work of communicating important subject "Fostering Sustainability: ESG Strategies for Cleaner Production, Social Equity and Ethical Governance".
This page contains the memories of this special IWACP, in a special year: CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, TECHNICAL REPORT, pictures and videos of awarded works submitted in 13th IWACP.
The Organizing Committee would like to express its sincere gratitude to the following invited speakers for their kind participation.
Bankole Awuzie
University of Johannesburg – South Africa
Claudia Viegas
UFRGS - Brazil
Fernando Díaz López
Climate and Earth Centre, HEC Paris - France
Luc Hens
Flemish Institute for Technological Research - Belgium
Minelle Silva
University of Manitoba - Canada
Miriam Borchardt
Scott Wilson
Macquarie University – Australia
The Organizing Committee also extends its gratitude to all the authors and participants who have contributed to making this event possible.
We would like to acknowledge and thank all the members of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná team who contributed to the preparation of this event, with special mention to Prof. Miriam Mazo, Dean of the School of Business, Prof. Angela Póvoa, Coordinator of the Business Graduate Program, and Prof. Osiris Canciglieri Junior, Coordinator of the Industrial and Systems Engineering Graduate Program. We would also like to express our gratitude to Prof. Fernanda Frankenberger and Prof. Pablo Carpejani for their support in organizing the event and for the invaluable operational support provided by Edelmi Kruger and Ana Clara Dias. And a very special thanks to all the students and volunteers who participated in all the support activities.
Special thanks to Prof. João Sampaio and Prof. Douglas Aptatto Tenório, Dean and Vice-Dean of CESMAC for the unconditional support to the first International Workshop on Plastic Pollution in the Oceans (IWPPO)
Special thanks go to Prof. Sandra Rejane Gomes Miessa, the Rector of Universidade Paulista, Prof. Dr. Marina Soligo, Vice-Rector of Post Graduation and Research of Universidade Paulista, and Prof. Dr. Marília Ancona-Lopez, the Vice-Rector of Graduation of Universidade Paulista, for their unwavering support since the first event in 2007.
We could not refrain from expressing our gratitude to the Curitiba City Hall, CAPES, CNPq and Potencial Group for the financial support.
General Chair and Founder of ACPN
Biagio F. Giannetti (Paulista University-UNIP, Brazil)
Time | Nov 5th, 2024 | Nov 6th, 2024 | Nov 7th, 2024 |
09:00 to 10:40 | Meeting "Building Cleaner and Sustainable Production: From Theory to Practice in Territorial Public Policies"
Special Guests Maritza Chirinos
(*) Only for invited participlants and 14th IWACP Organizing Committee |
Forum "Presentations of results of the groups of institutions participating in the Plastic Oceans Project"
Selenobaldo Alexinaldo Cabral SantAnna CESMAC
1. Biodiesel Production Plant of Grupo Potencial
2. Guided tour to Explore Curitiba's Sustainability Initiatives |
10:40 to 11:00 | Break |
Break |
11:00 to 13:00 | Cine IWPPO(**) "Between the Plastics and the Ocean"
Snacks, Games and Grupo Potencial Booth(**)
(**)Only for Guests from public elementary schools |
Plenary Sessions ACPN Award Senior Researcher
Awardees Flemish Inst. for Tech. Research
UFRGS While AI falls asleep with electric sheep, what public and private managers do with reverse logistics? A claim for effective medicines wastes management.
UNISINOS The ethics of sustainability: some concerns and challenges. What should we consider when making more assertive decisions? |
13:00 to 14:00 | Reception |
Lunch |
Lunch |
14:00 to 14:40 | Opening Ceremony
Miriam Mazo Business School Dean PUCPR
Nathan Mendes Graduation Director PUCPR
Rafael Chinazzo Grupo Potencial
Ubiratã Tortato IWACP Chair PUCPR
Jesse Marques da Silva Junior Pavão IWPPO Chair CESMAC
Biagio F. Giannetti Paulista University-UNIP and Founder of Advances in Cleaner Production Network |
Networking Session "Opportunities for International Collaboration"
International Advances in Cleaner Production School (AmICUS) Lecture |
14:40 to 15:40 | Opening Conference
Climate and Earth Centre, HEC Paris ESG strategies and cleantech innovation for addressing the plastics circularity challenge.
University of Manitoba Moving beyond ESG Discourse: How Sustainability can Help Building Supply Chain Justice? |
15:40 to 16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:00 to 16:40 | Special Session
Rafael Chinazzo Potencial Group Energy transition and circular economy in industrial processes
16:40 to 17:00 | Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
17:00 to 18:40 | Workshop "Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing Anti-Plastic Policies"
Control Union Brazil
Closing Conference
University of Johannesburg Unlocking Sustainability Futures: The Power of Digital Product Passports in Advancing a Carbon Neutral and Circular Built Environment
Macquarie University The Role of Citizen Science in the Management of Microplastic Pollution: An AUSMAP Perspective.
Closing Ceremony |
Students present their projects and dialogue with the researchers
Closing AmICUS |
19:00 | Social Dinner |
(**) On the morning of November 5th, 117 students from 5th to 9th grade at a municipal school in Curitiba participated in a series of environmental education activities. The event included a film screening on plastic pollution, a visit to the Potencial stand to learn about biodiesel, an interactive recycling game provided by INPAR, and concludes with a snack for the students and teachers.
Potencial is a leading company in the fuel sector, recognized for its commitment to sustainable practices and cleaner energy solutions.
INPAR is an organization dedicated to social inclusion and sustainability, focusing on raising awareness about the importance of recycling and environmental preservation.
AmICUS - Advances in Cleaner Production School
AmICUS is an advanced studies workshop that provides opportunities for close interaction between students and young researchers of the Advances in Cleaner Production Network (ACPN), conducting cutting-edge research in pursuit of more sustainable production systems. It also encourages interdisciplinary discussions on relevant and current sustainability topics. To achieve this goal, the program is structured around (i) lectures and (ii) research project presentations by participants.
In this edition, two important methodologies for assessing the sustainability of production systems will be presented and discussed: Life Cycle Assessment and Emergy Synthesis. It is widely agreed among researchers and decision-makers that production systems must shift toward more sustainable models. However, how can we ensure that new technologies and management strategies are genuinely making systems more sustainable? Thus, the objective of AmICUS 2024 is to inspire the next generation of scientists to discuss their research projects from a sustainability perspective.
The event is open to those registered in the PHYSICAL CATEGORY of the 13th IWACP/1st IWPPO and will be conducted in PORTUGUESE. There are 100 spots available for master's and doctoral students, as well as early-career researchers, with selection based on registration order if necessary.
To register, participants must email one of the event coordinators by October 28th, 2024, including their full name, institution, academic level, and stating whether they wish to attend as a listener or present a project. The coordinators are:
- Dr. Biagio F. Giannetti (UNIP; biafgian@unip.br)
- Dr. Marcell M. Maceno (UFPR; marcell.maceno@ufpr.br)
- Dr. Rafael Araújo Nascimento (Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste FMVZ/USP; rafael.nacimento@usp.br)
- Dr. Feni Agostinho (UNIP; feni@unip.br)
- Dr. Cecília M.V.B. Almeida (UNIP; cmvbag@unip.br)
Up to 5 innovative project ideas will be selected for presentation, with results announced via email.
AmICUS is part of the 13th IWACP/1st IWPPO and is scheduled for November 7th, 2024, from 14:00 to 18:40. The detailed activities for the event are as follows:
Time | Activity | Details |
14:00 to 14:10 | Opening - Dr. Biagio F. Giannetti (UNIP) | AmICUS: Importance and Objectives |
14:10 to 15:00 | Dr. Marcell M. Maceno (UFPR) Jaylton Bonacina de Araujo (Grupo Boticário) |
Theme: “Utilization of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for evaluating sustainability in production systems.” |
15:00 to 15:50 | Dr. Feni Agostinho (UNIP) | Theme: “A systemic approach based on Odum's macroscope for sustainability evaluation.” |
15:50 to 16:00 | Dr. Biagio F. Giannetti (UNIP) | Theme: “Using the 5SEnSU model as a tool for sustainability evaluation in production systems.” |
16:00 to 16:30 | Dr. Cecília Almeida (UNIP) and Maritza Chirinos (San Pablo Catholic University) | Closing Remarks: a) Potential synergies between LCA and Emergy. b) Opportunities for partnerships between research groups. |
16:30 to 17:00 | Coffee Break | |
17:00 to 18:40 | Presentation Session of up to 5 Works (Research Projects, Theses, Dissertations, etc.) | Selected participants will present their research work (13±2 minutes). Following each presentation, there will be a Q&A session (13±2 minutes). |
Book 13th IWACP
Papers selected and presented at the event may subsequently be considered for publication in the book "Cleaner Production, Circular Economy, and ESG Strategies to Foster Sustainability". Published by Springer Nature and indexed by Scopus. Please note that submissions to the book are subject to standard peer-review procedures.
This book is the result of a partnership between ACPN, Springer Nature and PUCPRESS to disseminate knowledge and provide academic recognition to participating authors.
Supporting Journals
The Applications of Circular Economy Journal supports the 13th IWACP and will provide a fast track for papers related to circular economy. As a courtesy, accepted papers will be exempt from the APC fee. The call will be open from november 1st, 2024 to april 30th, 2025 and authors must indicate to the editor, at the time of submission, that the paper is from a participant of the 13th IWACP. Authors may submit papers different from those submitted to the event.
For more information about the journal, visit the website https://applicationspublishers.com/index.php/ace/index or contact the editors-in-chief: Ubiratã Tortato, utortato@hotmail.com or Bankole Awuzie, boawuzie@uj.ac.za
Journal of Cleaner Production is an international, transdisciplinary journal focusing on Cleaner Production, Environmental, and Sustainability research and practice. Through our published articles, we aim at helping societies become more sustainable.
'Cleaner Production' is a concept that aims at preventing the production of waste, while increasing efficiencies in the uses of energy, water, resources, and human capital.
The Journal of Cleaner Production serves as a platform for addressing and discussing theoretical and practical cleaner production, encompassing environmental, and sustainability issues in corporations, governments, education institutions, regions, and societies.
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities aims to develop a multi-disciplinary academic approach to life in contemporary and future urban environments. The journal publishes rigorously peer-reviewed, cutting-edge research on a broad range of topics, from engineering and urban studies to social sciences, with a focus on achieving sustainable living processes within future urban landscapes (in line with SDGs).
To achieve resilience, environmental health, people’s inclusion, equality and healthy living in the face of the severe economical and environmental challenges facing the world today, international collaboration across all disciplines is required, including aspects on energy engineering, human geography and economics, architecture, governance and political science, public health, natural and behavioural science.
ACPN Award
The ACPN Award Ceremony was held during the 13th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production (IWACP). Three researchers representing the senior generation of Advances in Cleaner Production Network (ACPN) were chosen.
The Award
The Advances in Cleaner Production (ACPN) Award is inspired on the logo of the International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production 2007. The biosphere elements - nature and society - are represented the trees and the buildings. The primary driving force of the natural services used by society, solar renewable energy, transforms and circulates within the ecosystem. The arrow represents the ideal resource flow in the biosphere as the basis of the planet’s sustainability.
The highest building is the icon building of the Paulista University representing symbolically a teaching and research institution not only as the highest and the most prominent institution in a sustainable society, but also the institution where the International Workshop and Network on Advances in Cleaner Production was founded.
The Winners of the ACPN Award 2024 are:
Highighted work (7th IWACP): Cleaner production to adapt to climate change: A stakeholder Delphi survey in a heavily affected district in Vietnam - HENS, L. (VITO, Belgium); NGUYEN, A. T. (Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam); SAGASTUME, A.; CABELLO, J. J. (Universidad de la Costa, Colombia); BLOCK, C. (2C Ecosolutions, Belgium); VANDECASTEELE, C. (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Highlighted work (10th IWACP): Beyond circularity: the reverse flows of medicines in Brazilian solidary pharmacies as collaborative consumption - VIEGAS, C. V. (UFRGS, Brazil); BOND, A. (University of East Anglia, UK); PEDROZO, E. A.; SILVA, T. N. (UFRGS, Brazil); BERTOLO, R. J. (University Potchefstroom, South Africa)
Highlighted Work (2nd IWACP): Assessment of the Presence of Ecodesign Principles in a Chemical Company - BORCHARDT, M.; SELLITTO, M. A.; PEREIRA, G. M.; WENDT, M. H. (UNISINOS, Brazil)
ACPN Award History
Since the first International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production (IWACP), researchers and members of society have been recognized as contributors for the advance of cleaner production. To check all the ACPN Award History, [CLICK HERE]
The 13th IWACP and 1st IWPPO are organised by PUCPR, CESMAC, Paulista University-UNIP and the Advances in Cleaner Production Network.
Chair 13th IWACP
Ubiratã Tortato - PUCPR - Brazil
Chair 1st IWPPO
Jesse Marques da Silva Junior Pavão - CESMAC - Brazil
General Chair and Founder of ACPN
Biagio F. Giannetti - Paulista University (UNIP) - Brazil
Local Comiittee
Pablo Lucas Carpejani Farias de Lima - Coordinator – PUCPR - Brazil
Angela Póvoa - PUCPR - Brazil
Osiris Canciglieri Júnior - PUCPR - Brazil
Alex Ferraresi - PUCPR – Brazil
Fernanda Frankenberger Silva - PUCPR – Brazil
Edelmi Marcelo Kruger - PUCPR – Brazil
Scientific Committee of Advances in Cleaner Production Network (ACPN)
Organizing Committee - International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production