Session 3B - Room 1

November 5th, 2024 - 17:00 to 18:40

Chair: Mari Regina Anastácio (PUCPR)
PYHSICAL - A Proposal for Paraconsistent Tri-Valued Logic as a Decision-Making Tool in Emergy Synthesis - PAPALARDO, F.; BONILLA, S.H.; AGOSTINHO, F. (UNIP)
PYHSICAL - A Multicriteria Decision-Making Framework to support the Priority Definition of Green Innovation Projects using Tax Reliefs - PALUDO, B.; SZEJKA, A. L. (PUCPR)
VIRTUAL - A Rigorous Generalized Disjunctive Programming Optimization Model for the design of Rainwater Drainage Networks - SENE, A. P. (UEM); CABALLERO, J. A. (Universidade de Alicante); RAVAGNANI, M. A. S. S. (UEM)
VIRTUAL - A strategy for tuning properties of edible coating compounds during fruit waste valorisation - CHIMPHANGO, A.; NDLOVU, W.; FAWOLE, O. A. (University of Stellenbosch)
VIRTUAL - Challenges of the Last-mile Delivery in a Low-Carbon Environment - SILVA, F. H. N. REIS, J. G. M.; MACHADO, S. T.; RODRIGUES, G. S.; RENON, M. (UNIP)


Session 3B - Room 2

November 5th, 2024 - 17:00 to 18:40

Chair: Anderson Szeija (PUCPR)
PYHSICAL - Draft Bill no. 364/19, which provides for the use and protection of the native vegetation of High-Altitude Grasslands associated with or covered by the Atlantic Rainforest - RIBAS, L. C. (UNESP); REALE, R. (USP); DUARTE, J. P. P. (UFSCar); RUBIO. I. C. C. (UNESP)
PYHSICAL - Energy Efficiency in the Production of Irrigated and Rainfed Beans in the Federal District - PRESOTTO, E. (UnB); MARTINELL, G. C. (UFGD); ALLEGRETTI, G. (INBBIO); TALAMINI, E. (UFRGS)
PHYSICAL - Assessment of the Natural Wealth of the Pampa Biome in Rio Grande do Sul from the Perspective of Emergy Synthesis - MALLUE, D. M.; PERDOMO, T. R.; CANEVER, M. D. (UFPEL); GAMEIRO, A. H. (USP); NACIMENTO, R. A. (UNIP)
PHYSICAL - Mapping the Seasonality of Marine Debris Waste in a Tropical Hotspot - BERTO, M. R. S.; REIS, M. (CESMAC); LIMA, T. A. S. (UNESP); SOARES, C. N.; CAVALCANTI, A. S.; PAVÃO J. M. (CESMAC)
VIRTUAL - Mechanisms and assessment of climate resilience: Implications for adaptive development - LIU, C.; LIU, Y. (Nanchang University)


Session 3B - Room 3

November 5th, 2024 - 17:00 to 18:40

Chair: André Turbay (PUCPR)
PYHSICAL - Walkability in the improvement of path design with Cleaner Production in an educational institution in southern Brazil - LEITE, P. W. L.; ALMEIDA SILVA, C. C. O.; LERMEN, R. T.; SILVA, R. A.; MORES, G. V.; MORO, L. D.; NECKEL, A. (ATITUS Educação)
PYHSICAL - Assessment of the importance of sustainability practices for production engineering undergraduate students - XAVIER, L. A. (UFPE); GUIMARAES JUNIOR, D. S. (UPE); SANT’ANNA, C. H. M. (UNICAP); ALVES, J. L. S. (UFAM); MEDEIROS, D. D. (UFPE)
PHYSICAL - Transition to sustainability in higher education institutions: a framework proposal grounded in education for sustainable development - TAGLIAFERRO, M. P.; DENES-SANTOS, D. (PUCPR); VIEIRA, P. P. (Universidade Positivo)
PHYSICAL - Mental Models and Organizational Routines as Drivers of Sustainable Performance in Universities - BARCELOS, R. L. (UNISUL); ROSSETTO, C. R. (UNIVALI); SEHNEM, S. (UNISUL); MAGNAGO, R. F. (UFSC)
VIRTUAL - Engaging Citizens in Sustainable Development: A Citizen Science Approach to Measure SDG Perceptions at the Local Level - FACHINELLI, A. C.; GIACOMELLO, C. P.; LIBARDI, B.; DA SILVA, M. B. C.; PERINI, R.; MOSCHEN, S. A. (UCS)


Session 3B - Room 4

November 5th, 2024 - 17:00 to 18:40

Chair: Vilmar Moreira (PUCPR)
PHYSICAL - Environmental Assessment between Road Export Routes - BARBOSA, F. B. M. H.
VIRTUAL - Framework for Implementing Industry 4.0 Technologies to Promote Circular Economy in Post-Harvest Agribusiness in Brazil - ARNS, V. D. (UNINOVE); OLIVEIRA NETO, G. C. UFABC); PINTO, L. F. R.; MELATTO, R. A. P. B. (UNINOVE)