The Multidimensional Stability of Networks: Lessons from Ecosystems

The stability of dynamic networks – be they social, economic or ecological – is multidimensional, encapsulating the different aspects of the dynamics of the systems and their response to perturbations. Even though there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of metrics of “stability”, these can be collapsed into five or six largely interdependent dimensions. However, perturbations or ‘shocks’ precipitate a range of responses that can alter the many components of stability and the relationships among them. This complexity necessitates a multidimensional approach to the measurement of stability. Ian Donohue will discuss how our understanding of the stability properties of ecosystems can be applied to a variety of different types of dynamic networks to enhance our ability to quantify and optimise their stability.

Preliminar agenda


Welcome and introduction (Biagio Giannetti - UNIP)


The Multidimensional Stability of Networks: Lessons from Ecosystems - Prof. Ian Donohue (Trinity College Dublin)


Coffee Break

11h15 Combining economic systems with the 'Multidimensional Stability of Networks'
12h00 End of Workshop

realizado por

Universidade Paulista - UNIP
organizado por
Universidade Paulista - UNIP
Instituto Jatobás