Who We Are?

The "International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production" is a multi/interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of information and research results on technologies, concepts and policies based on Cleaner Production and conceived to assist the desired transition to a sustainable society.


Cleaner Production is a concept that goes far beyond the simple pollution control. It includes research and development of new processes, materials and products directed to promote the efficient use of resources and energy.


Prevention must be the first approach of governments and corporations concerning sustainable development, and for this, environmental friendly strategies allied to economical robustness of products and services must be assured.


The adoption of Cleaner Production by governments, companies, and universities is getting speed with technical assistance and training programs, but it is worthy of attention that all these initiatives, even if implemented by all governments and corporations, do not guarantee the achievement of sustainable development. There is still a lack of a science, and consequently of a consolidated engineering devoted to the sustainable development.

Full Program

Invited Keynotes

Supporting Journals

Who We Are


Invited Keynote Speakers
12th IWACP - 2021
11th IWACP - 2021
9th IWACP - 2020
8th IWACP - 2019
7th IWACP - 2018
6th IWACP - 2017
5th IWACP - 2015
4th IWACP - 2013
3rd IWACP - 2011
2nd IWACP - 2009
1st IWACP - 2007
realization by
Stellenbosch University


organized by


in participation with


ACPN - Partner Network

Organizing Committee - International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production


