08:00 to 09:40
Oral Presentation - Session 5A - Room 1
Chairmen: Luciana Faria (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP); Patrícia Soares Lins (IFAL)
Incorporation of Industrial Wastes in Bricks - WIEMES, L. (IEL/UFPR); PAWLOWSKY, U. (UFPR); MYMRIN, V. (UTFPR) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Industrial Solid Waste Management and Cleaner Production, Case Study in Red Ceramic Industry - MORAIS, M. M.; GOMES, C. A.; PAZ, Y. M.; JERONIMO, R. A. S.; HOLANDA, R. M. (UFRPE) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Incorporation on Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Post-Consumer Packaging in Production of Concrete Blocks - CASTRO, M. V.; ANTUNES, M. L. P. (UNESP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
More Sustainable Production of Concrete: Replacement of Natural Sand for Brita Powder Concrete Simple Cooking - SILVA, L. S., DEMETRIO, J. C. C., DEMETRIO, F. J. C. (UEMA) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Cleaner Production and Environmental Management as a Sustainable Product Innovation Antecedents: A Survey in Brazilian Industries - SEVERO, E. A.; GUIMARÃES, J. C. F. (IMED); DORION, E. C. H. (UCS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

08:00 to 09:40
Oral Presentation - Session 5A - Room 2
Chairmen: Andrea Pampanelli (GKN Driveline Americas); Nancy Gabriela Grijalva Larios (UNISON); Scheila Daiana Severo Hollveg (UFSM); Tania Guadalupe Poom Bustamante (UNISON)
Assessment of Energy, Global, and CO2 Emission Efficiencies of Sand Production from Construction and Demolition Materials - BORGES, R. F. M., AGOSTINHO, F. (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Contribution to the Electric Matrix of Brazil in 2050 - Decentralized, Cleaner, Efficient and Renewable - WITTMANN, D. (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Global and Local Environmental Issues in Brazilian Semiarid, a Study Sertão of Moxotó - EL-DEIR, S. G.; PINHEIRO, S. M. G.; SANTOS, L. A.; MELO, M. B. C.; LOPES, I. (UFRPE) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
08:00 to 09:40
Oral Presentation - Session 5A - Room 3
Chairmen: Antonio Sérgio Brejão (UNIP); Gloria Yazmin Ozuna Leyva (UNISON); José Benedito Sacomano (UNIP); Max Wilson de Oliveira (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP)
Cleaner Production in a Steel Industry - FISCHER, Y. R.; MELO, I. V.; SILVA, L. C. S. (UFPE) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Mitigation of Barriers to Implement Cleaner Production in a Small Metallurgical Company - OLIVEIRA NETO, G. C.; LEITE, R. R.; LUCATO, W.C.; SHIBAO, F. Y. (UNINOVE) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Environmental and Economic Assessment of the Replacement of Grease based on Mineral Oil for Fiberglass fabric with Teflon® as Release Agent in Dubbing  Process - STALTER, C. F.; MORAES, C. A. M. (UNISINOS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Training in Cleaner Production Company in the Furniture Sector in the State of Alagoas - SOUSA, S. (IFAL/UFBA); CÉSAR, S. F.; KIPERSTOK, A. (UFBA) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Your Role in Society - GARCIA, F. S.; MARTINES, A. I. T. (UNIOESTE) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
08:00 to 09:40
Oral Presentation - Session 5A - Room 4
Chairmen: Adrielle Frimaio (UNIP); João Gilberto Mendes dos Reis (UNIP); Tatiana Tucunduva P. Cortese (UNINOVE)
A Multidisciplinary Approach Towards the Introduction of Cleaner Production in Higher Education Curricula: A Case Study from TEC de Costa Rica - ROA-GUTIERREZ, F.; ARIAS, A. L.; CHAVES ABARCA, R.; JAUBERT-SOLANO, W.;  ROBLES OBANDO, N.; VALERIO-VINDAS, J. J. (Costa Rica Technological Institute, Costa Rica); ASHTON, W. S.; HURTADO-MARTIN, M. (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
An International Review of Sustainability in Higher Education Studies: A Messy Concept with Contradictory Attitudes - VIEGAS, C. V. (UNISINOS); BOND, A. J. (University of East Anglia, UK); SELLITTO, M. A. (UNISINOS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Sustainability Assessment in Higher Education Institutions: Perspectives and Global Experiences - BRANDÃO, M. S.; OMETTO, A. R.; LEME, P. C. S. (EESC/USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Mobile Computation to Contribute to Education and Sustainability - Case Study - COSTA, P. M.; MONTEIRO, R. L. (UFMG) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Emergy Accounting of a Course of Management  at the Federal Institute of Southern Minas Gerais: A Case Study - OLIVEIRA, J. H. (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP); ALMEIDA, C. M. V. B. (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Experiential Learning: Lessons Learned from Global Higher Education Programs for Cleaner Production in Latin America - MCPHERSON, S.; ANID, N. M. (New York Institute of Technology, USA) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
08:00 to 09:40
Oral Presentation - Session 5A - Room 5
Chairmen: Gustavo Bustamante (UNIP); Márcio Cardoso Machado (UNIP); Mauro Luiz Martens (USP); Noé Vargas Betancout (UNISON)
Mineralogical and Leaching Characteristics of Beneficiated Coals - CIVEIRA, M. S.; RAMOS, C. G.; TAFFAREL, S. R.; OLIVERIA, M. L. S. (La Salle Universitary Center) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Comparative Study of Methods for the Synthesis of Silica Gel from Biomass Residue Ash of Sugarcane - HELENO, R. A.; REIS, T. V. S.; FUNGARO D. A. (IPEN/CNEN-SP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
08:00 to 09:40
Oral Presentation - Session 5A - Room 6
Chairmen: Maria de Fátima de Freitas Bueno Marcílio (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP); Áurea Raposo (IFAL/UFBA); Dilma Pimentel (UFF); Letícia Barrantes (UTFPR); Wilker Moraes (UNIBRATEC/IMI-PE)
Reverse Logistic Implementation: First Phase of Sao Paulo State Experience - RIBEIRO, F. M. (CETESB); KRUGLIANSKAS, I. (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Public Policies: Their Contribution to Reuse and Recycling Process of Small and Electronic Medium-Sized Enterprises - DIAS, V. S.; BORCHARDT, M.; PEREIRA, G. M. (UNISINOS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
The Design within the Contexts of National Policy for Solid Waste, Cleaner Production and Sustainability - MIGLIANO, J. E. B. (FEI) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Global Productivity and Ecoefficiency on Sustainable Performance of Agroindustrial Chains - PREVEZ, L.; BONILLA, S. H.; GIANNETTI, B. F. (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
08:00 to 09:40
Oral Presentation - Session 5A - Room 7
Chairmen: Carlos Cézar da Silva (IFSULDEMINAS); Raquel Reis Alcântara (IPEN - CNEN/SP)
Projection of Energy Efficiency Gains by Using the Hybrid System in the Public Transport of Passengers - SILVA, H. R. O.; PARIZI, C. C.; ABRAHAM, E. R.; MACHADO, S. T.; COSTA NETO, P. L. O.; VENDRAMETTO, O.; MEDINA, F. A. S. (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Sustainable Supply Chains and Carbon Footprint, the Costa Rican Case - ROBLES, N. (Costa Rica Tecnological Institutte, Costa Rica) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Mapping the Stockholm Vehicle Gas Supply Chain using Network Theory to Assess Local Upgraded Biogas Supply and Demand Relations - SANCHES-PEREIRA, A. (KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden/USP); LÖNNQVIST, T. (KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden); TUDESCHINI, L. G. (USP) [abstract] [paper]
09:40 to 10:00
10:00 to 12:00


Room 1: How Does the Recent Base of the Pyramid (BoP), Social innovation and Entrepreneurship Discourse Align with, contributes toward and/or conflict with Sustainable Development? - Jeremy Hall (Journal of Engineering and Technology Management and Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University - Canada)

Room 2: Good/Best Practices for Waste Prevention, Reuse, Recycling - Sergio Ulgiati (Editor-in-Chief of 'Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management' and Parthenope University - Italy)

Room 3: Can We Achieve Sustainability? How to Build Utopian Ideals - Asher Kiperstok (UFBA)

12:00 to 13:30
13:30 to 15:00


"Why do YOU Think YOU Can Change the Future of Society?"

Donald Huisingh
(Editor-in-Chief of 'Journal of Cleaner Production' and University of Tennessee - USA) [presentation]

15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 5B - Room 1
Chairmen: Fabiane Salles Ferro (USP); Gloria Yazmin Ozuna Leyva (UNISON); Fernando Jorge Cutrim Demétrio (UEMA)
Bird Survey as an Indication of Environmental Integrity in Preservation Areas - SANTOS, E. N.; VENDRAMETTO, L. P.; VERAS, D. S. (Syngenta); CHRISTOFFOLETI, P. J. (ESALQ); RODRIGUES, R. S. O. (Syngenta) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Strawberry Pulp Supply Chain Performance Assessment on Local Level - SILVA, C. C. (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP); GIANNETTI, B. F.; ALMEIDA, C. M. V. B. (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Characterization of Organic Coffee in Mexico - LOPEZ, F. M.; VILLAR, G. H. L. (UFSCar) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
The Organic Agriculture and New Conscious Consumption Patterns - SHIMADA, W. K. (UFGD); REIS, J. G. M. (UFGD/UNIP); OLIVEIRA, E. R. (UFGD) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 5B - Room 2
Chairmen: Adrielle Frimaio (UNIP); Helton Raimundo Oliveira da Silva (UNIP); Márcio Cardoso Machado (UNIP); Nancy Gabriela Grijalva Larios (UNISON); Tania Guadalupe Poom Bustamante (UNISON)
Cleaner Production Opportunities in Furniture Manufacturing Process Custom-Made: a Case Study of a Wardrobe - LINS, P. S.; DÓRIA, M.V.C.; RAPÔSO, A. (IFAL/UFBA); KIPERSTOK, A. (UFBA) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Action of Chemical Leasing in Production Processes aimed at Sustainability - BARROS, M. J. (UNIMEP/IFPR), OLIVEIRA, M. C.; GONÇALES FILHO, M. (UNIMEP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
CP As a Competitive Advantage of the Product: The Consumer’s Point of View - MORAES, W. L. (UNIBRATEC/IMI); BAUDEL, R. M.; PONTES, V. R. (UNIBRATEC); LIMA, S. C. (IMI) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Physical Arrangement (layout) and Cleaner Production (CP): A Theoretical Discussion - LINS, P. S. (IFAL/UFBA); CÉSAR, S. F. (UFBA) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 5B - Room 3
Chairmen: Maria de Fátima de Freitas Bueno Marcílio (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP); Flávia Spala Garcia (UNIOESTE); Gustavo Bustamante (UNIP); João Gilberto Mendes dos Reis (UNIP); Jorge Creso Cutrim Demétrio (UEMA); Júlio Cesar Ferro de Guimarães (IMED)
The Contribution of Sustainability In Project Success: Managers’s Perpective in Brazilian Companies - MARTENS, M. L.; CARVALHO, M. M. (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
The Contribution of the NGOs, Associations and Foundations to Promote Production and Consumption of Green Products - RITTER, A. M.;  BORCHARDT, M.; PEREIRA, G. (UNISINOS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
From the Amazon’s Traditional Knowledge to Innovation: An Study of SME Natural Medicines Producers in Manaus - BOTELHO, L. (IFAM/Erasmus University);  PUGA, S. M. F. (IFAM) CAMPOS, I. (UFPA); CHAVES, F. C. M. (EMBRAPA) [abstract] [paper]
Knowledge and Understanding of Cleaner Production Theme in Specialized Courses: A Case Study - FRANKENBERG, C. L. C.; CANTELLI, M. (PUC-RS); DE OLIVEIRA, P. G. (UFRGS) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 5B - Room 4
Chairmen: Luciana Faria (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP); Eliana Andréa Severo (IMED); Frederico Rodovalho de Oliveira (FATESG)
Green Issues in the Supply Chain Management Training - TRAMARICO, C. L.; SALOMON, V. A. P.; MARINS, F. A. S. (UNESP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Analysis of Externalities in Production Services under Cleaner Production Model Perspective - SILVA, L. F. da (PUC-SP/UNINOVE); GUEVARA, A. J. de H. (PUC-SP); OLIVEIRA, P. S. G. de (UNIB); CONTI, D. de M. (PUC-SP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Transaction Costs in Environmental Purchasing: Analysis Through Two Case Studies - CAMPOS, J. G. F.; MELLO, A. M. A.; KRUGLIANSKAS, I. A. (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Business Cooperation Networks: Contributions to Sustainable Production - D’OLIVEIRA, J. L. P.; PASQUALETTO, A. (PUC-GO); GUEDES, L. G. de R. (UFG/PUC-GO) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 5B - Room 5
Chairmen: Max Wilson de Oliveira (IFSULDEMINAS/UNIP); Carlos Alberto Mendes Moraes (UNISINOS/PPG); Geraldo Cardoso de Oliveira Neto (UNINOVE); Dilson Emanuel da Fonseca Antunes Junior (UEMA)
Assessment of the Viability of Production of Ceramic Tiles from Waste Generated in the Casting Process Using Plasma Electrolytic Oxide of Aluminum Alloy - SOUZA, C.S., ANTUNES, M.L.P. (UNESP), DALLA VALENTINA, L.V.O. (UDESC), RANGEL, E.C., CRUZ, N.C. (UNESP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Chemical Characterization and Minerals of Roasted Pyrite Ash of an Abandoned Sulphuric Acid Production Plant - CIVEIRA, M. S. RAMOS, C. G., TAFFAREL, S. R., KAUTZAMNN, R. M. (Centro Universitário La Salle) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Adsorption of Rhodamine B Dye from Aqueous Solution by Surfactant Modificed Zeolite from Coal Bottom Ash - ALCÂNTARA, R. R., IZIDORO, J. C., FUNGARO, D. A. (IPEN - CNEN/SP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 5B - Room 6
Chairmen: Letícia Prevez Pascual (UNIP); José Eduardo Colle (UNIP); Claudia Viviane Viegas (UNISINOS)
Conceptual Framework and Principles for Selection and Definition of Sustainability Indicators: An Study Applied at Ecoinnovation in Smartparks Project (Spain and Brazil) - HANAI, F. Y. (UFSCar); FELICIO, M. C. (USP); SILVA, S. P.; GABARRELL, X. (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain); OMETTO, A. R.(USP); RIERADEVALL i PONS, J. (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain); ESPOSTO, K.; AMARAL, D. C. (USP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Environmental Sustainability Indexes’assessment for Water Supplying and Sewage Treatment Companies Listed on BM&FBOVESPA in 2014 - DI AGUSTINI, C. A. (FGV/USCS); LUCAS, E. C. (FGV) [abstract] [paper]
Data Envelopment Analysis in the Sustainability Context - a Study of Brazilian Electricity Sector by Using Global Reporting Initiative Indicators - SARTORI, S.; ALVARENGA, T. H. P.; GIBIM, C.; CAMPOS, L. M. S. (UFSC) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
15:00 to 16:30
Oral Presentation - Session 5B - Room 7
Chairmen: Fábio Sevegnani (UNIP); José Hugo de Oliveira (IFSUDEMINAS); Cristiane Silva (IFAL/UFBA); Maíra Lima (IFRJ)
Energy Efficiency in Maquiladoras of Electronic Components: A Cleaner Production Approach - VELAZQUEZ, L.; ESQUER, J.; GARCIA, R.; VARGAS, N.; VELDERRAIN, R. (UNISON) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Environmental Friendly Food. Choice Experiment to Assess Consumer’s Attitude Toward “Climate Neutral” Milk: The Role of Information - LOMBARDI, G. V.; BERNI, R.; ROCCHI, B. (University of Florence, Italy) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Stimulating the Market: Incentives for Cleaner Production and Energy Efficiency in Latin America - ASHTON, W. S. (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA); IZQUIERDO-CRUZ, C. A. (World Environment Center, USA/Mexico); PANERO, M. A. (New York Institute of Technology, USA);  ARIAS, A. L. (Costa Rica Technological institute, Costa Rica); BELFIELD, J. Rafael Lendívar University, Guatemala); BENTIN, J. (San Ignacio de Loyola University, Peru); DE LA CRUZ, G. Rafael Landívar University, Guatemala); DUECKER-AGUILAR, S. (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA); SALAZAR de TOBAR, Y. (Cleaner Production Center, El Savador); HURTADO, M. (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA); MARTINEZ-GREEN, T.; PANCHAME, S. (Honduras Autonomous University, Honduras); URIARTE, M. (National University of Engineering, Nicaragua) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]
Renewal of the Fleet of City Buses: Reduction of Energy Consumption and Environmental Impacts - RAYMUNDO, H. (UNIP/ANTP); REIS, J.G.M. (UNIP) [abstract] [paper] [presentation]

Sustainable Development, the Cleaner Production and Higher Education - OCHOA GEORGE, P. A. A. (Construction Business Group of Cienfuegos, Cuba); TORRES CARO, S. (Empresa Eléctrica Nacional, Cuba); OCHOA MONTEAGUDO, A. (Technical Services Company Thermoelectric, Cuba) [abstract] [paper]

16:30 to 16:50
Coffee Break
16:50 to 18:50
Launching of the Advances in Cleaner Production Network
organizado por
Universidade Paulista - UNIP
con la participación de
Universidád de Sonora - México